
The Reeder

The Reach vs Teach Method

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Struggling to pick topics?

If you’ve ever felt like your brain just refuses to spit out new ideas...

Devin Reed

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Together with Demandbase

Leads Not Converting? This ABM Starter Kit Will Help.

I’ve seen many ABM strategies fail — mainly because they miss the mark on the two most important things:

❌ Messaging doesn’t resonate
❌ Inconsistent messaging across channels

Then you’re left with another — very expensive — ‘spray and pray’ approach to your top accounts.

Not good.

That’s why I’m excited to share Demandbase’s ABM Starter Kit.

It’s the strategic guide you need to create impactful messaging and ensure consistency across every channel.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • ABM Workbook: 7 actionable steps to kickstart your ABM strategy.
  • Intent Insights: Make intent data your competitive advantage
  • B2B Pipeline Mastery: How to build pipeline that actually closes

And more…

Download the ABM Starter Kit and start closing with confidence.

“I’m struggling to pick topics for my content,” Brad admitted.

His eyes wandered off the screen.

“When I try to come up with something intriguing for LinkedIn, a lot of times, it's not so much writer's block… it's just like topic block.”

Brad’s my new (and first) intern at The Reeder.

A few weeks ago, he cold pitched me a simple deal:

He’d help repurpose my content, and I’d coach him on content marketing and mentor him for his career.

He’s a 12-year marketer and newsletter writer eager to level up his LinkedIn game.

I like Brad a lot. Because even when he’s stuck, he’s casual in his hunger to improve. He views problems as to-be-solved and never as a real blocker.

And he gives me the no BS feedback I crave to make my content better.


If you’ve ever felt like your brain just refuses to spit out new ideas…

Here’s a glimpse into our conversation.

As marketers and content creators, we face a dilemma:

We want to grow our audience and reach, but we also need to deliver immense value.

But the biggest mistake I see content creators make is chasing virality.

That might get you attention, but it won’t position you as an expert worth listening to (read, trusting).

So how do you grow your audience and build credibility with your content?

Use the Reach vs Teach method

Here’s the good news: You don’t have to choose.

You can structure your content to get the best of both worlds by striking the right balance.

Generally speaking, there are two types of topics:

Reach Topics: Wide audience appeal, more entertaining, less educational.

Teach Topics: Narrow audience appeal, more educational, less entertaining.

(This is how I create “edu-tainment” content — which is by far the most effective.)

Reach topics are all about broad appeal.

Broad topics → attract attention → grow your audience.

These are posts specifically designed for high engagement.

Reach topics typically fall into three categories:

  1. Trends
  2. Evergreen topics
  3. Perspectives and stories


  • Trends: AI, changing buying habits, tech layoffs.
  • Evergreen: Life as a working parent, work-life balance, productivity tips.
  • Perspectives & Stories: Personal milestones, current events, social commentary.

All of these have the potential to get a ton of engagement — clicks, likes, comments, shares, followers, and subscribers.

All key for growing your audience.

🔴 Beware: Don’t Rely on These Topics Too Much

Overusing Reach topics can backfire.

Sure, they grab attention, but if you’re constantly talking about working parenthood or cracking jokes while running a talent agency, you’ll be popular—but not credible.

Credibility builds trust, and trust grows your business.

Oh, another one:

Trends fade. When the wave crashes, you’re left scrambling for the next big thing, forced to start from scratch.

That’s not a strategy; it’s survival.

Teach topics educate to build credibility.

Narrow topics → educate your audience → position you as an expert.

Your expertise is what builds credibility and trust.

I educate my audience by sharing my niche expertise:

  • Content strategy frameworks
  • Content creation tips
  • Growth advice

Sure, fewer people will be interested — but that’s the point.

People who get immense value from my content are the same people who will follow me, buy my products, and hire me.

I consistently share insights on these topics to unlock growth for my business and life.

How I use this method to pick topics

On LinkedIn, I split Reach/Teach 20/80 with Reach vs. Teach.

This keeps my content creation fun and my brand relatable while growing my position as the leader in B2B content strategy (which is one of my strategic goals).

Reach example:

Teach example:

In my experience, solving your audience’s problems builds trust at scale far better than just educating them on your product.

Overcome ‘Topic Block’ with these idea starters

Every week I go for a long walk (5 miles) and think. Not write, think.

That’s where my “aha!” moments happen. Never at the laptop.

Here are seven idea starters I gave Brad to keep ideas flowing like ice-cold Sapporo at a sushi bar:

  1. [Insight] What was the most interesting thing you learned this week?
  2. [Insight] What’s one thing most people get wrong about [topic]?
  3. [Guide] What milestone did you recently achieve? How?
  4. [Guide] What step-by-step process did you use this week?
  5. [Story] What mistakes did I make? What did I learn from them?
  6. [Perspective] What did I initially think was true, but changed my mind?
  7. [Perspective] How has my [topic] strategy changed since last year?

I’m curious…

What’s your favorite type of content to create—Reach or Teach?

Hit Reply and let me know.

Holler at you next Saturday,

PS: It took me 2 hours to write and edit this newsletter. If you like today’s post, please help me grow by forwarding it to one person with a quick “You’ll love this newsletter. Totally worth signing up.”

© 2024 The Reeder, LLC

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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The Reeder

Content tips & strategies for growing your career, brand, and business every Saturday morning.

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