
The Reeder

5 BIG problems with SaaS content marketing

The 5 most damaging issues I've seen working with B2B SaaS marketing teams

And how to fix them.

Devin Reed

Inside today's episode:

  • Make stand-out videos in 30 Minutes
  • The 5 biggest problems with SaaS content marketing
  • Two events for better emails and LinkedIn content
  • I got roasted by Anthony Pierri (video)

Together with Share Your Genius

Stop Blending In: Here’s How Your CXO Can Stand Out in 30 Minutes

When I first started creating video content, it felt like I was shouting into a void. I was making clips, but they weren’t hitting home.

Why? I didn’t have a clear POV—just noise.

That’s when I realized: it’s not about producing more content. It’s about creating the right content.

But… how?

Share Your Genius will help you create 3-5 high-impact video clips in just 30 minutes.

They meet with you 1:1 for executive coaching and recording, so you can

  • Refine and amplify your POV
  • Cut through the content clutter
  • Sharpen your message into bite-sized insights

Don’t let your content blend into the crowd.

Holler at my friends Rachel & Katie to get started.

And start making content that turns heads.

I just finished running my first client through my Content Powerhouse Program.

It's my new flagship service offering for B2B SaaS marketing teams.

I call it Content Powerhouse because it's the same process and strategy I used at Gong and Clari to build and scale content engines that grew our brand, audience, and pipeline.

It's a 3-part program that I lead.

  • Phase 1: Content Audit - Complete analysis of existing content marketing to identify gaps and provide recommendations for improvement.
  • Phase 2: Content Strategy Design - Fully documented content strategy deck that covers the "what and why," from POV and mission to channel strategy and KPIs — and everything in between.
  • Phase 3: Performance Playbooks - Strategic outline and playbook for new content programs with step-by-step processes and templates.

So by the end teams know what's wrong, what to do, and how to do it.

It's everything you need to become a Content Powerhouse.

My favorite part is the audit - which is really a deep diagnosis.

This step probably doesn't sound sexy to most, but it's critical.

So for today's newsletter, I'm sharing the 5 most damaging issues I see when working with B2B SaaS marketing teams.

This way, I can "audit at scale" so to speak.

I also included guides for each so you can "fix" them on your own.

You ready? Let's ride.

❌ Problem #1: No documented content strategy

Most teams don't have a content strategy.

Even fewer have theirs documented.

This is THE source of misalignment as teams scale.

Without a single source of truth — something that clearly articulates the "what and why" behind the content strategy — confusion and misalignment are inevitable.

The problem is that most teams don't take (or really, don't have) the time to stop and complete the exercise.

✅ To help you build your content strategy here are 5 Must-haves for your B2B content strategy

❌ Problem #2: Missing a POV

When reading through a client's content, there's almost always a point where I think:

Anyone could have written this.

Factually correct, sure.

Informational as hell, you got it.

But it's not different.

There's no perspective or belief system for the Reader to identify with.

Put simply, it’s impossible to have an elite marketing strategy or brand without a memorable POV.

Because it’s hard to identify with a brand that doesn’t have a, ya know, identity.

✅ Here's a complete guide, including examples, on How to create a memorable POV

❌ Problem #3: The content isn't compelling

This one is probably the most obvious.

You've seen it. Felt it. And heard(and maybe thought) it before:

Our content just isn't very good.

That can mean a lot of things.

But it's usually because it's not insightful, relevant, or actionable.

It might be informational, but it's not entertaining.

So engagement is low or nonexistent.

✅ Follow this framework to improve your content overnight: The Eyebrow Test

❌ Problem #4: Missing or weak conversion points

This was the most shocking one to me.

I see blogs, social posts, webinars, and more that have weak CTAs or no CTAs at all.

It's gut-wrenching.

All this effort and resources poured into content programs, only to whiff on converting attention into growth.

I'm maniacal about a few things. This is one of them:

Every marketing asset needs a conversion point.

Otherwise marketing becomes an output center instead of a growth hub.

✅ If you want to boost your conversion rates, here are the “three C’s” for calls to action that convert like crazy.

❌ Problem #5: There's no "built-in" audience

Audience is the second most valuable marketing asset.

(Your reputation - aka brand - is #1).

Publishing into the void, over and over, is wasteful and straight-up demoralizing.

Yet it's incredibly common. Most B2B teams don't have an audience growth strategy.

Instead, they over-index on volume (usually because of senior leadership), or they haven't yet accepted that they're playing in the attention economy.

Either way.

Having an audience makes everything easier.

If you want expert advice for getting started, here are 5 undeniable truths for audience growth from me, Dave Gerhardt and Alex Lieberman.

My goal is to improve your content strategy.

And as you saw today, that doesn't mean more content.

It means smarter decisions.

If any of these problems jumped out at you, take some time this week to reflect.

Use my guide to give yourself a starting point.

If your team needs help here, give me a shout. My next client opening is in January - just in time to dominate the new year.

Holler at you next week,


PS: If you want a tactical playbook for creating compelling content — the exact plays I used to take Gong from $20-$200M ARR as their Head of Content — you might be ready for Content That Converts. It's especially helpful if you identified with #3 above.

Want to write emails and LinkedIn content that actually get results? Don’t miss these two events.

3 Effective Cold Outreach Tactics to Cut Through the Noise

Join me and Will Aitkin for 3 tactical plays for cold outreach that will help you cut through the noise and win your prospects’ attention.

It's goin' down Tuesday 9/24 @ 9:00AM PST

👉🏻 Sign up here.

LinkedIn Lunatics: Do's and Don'ts of LinkedIn Content

You'll hear from me, Morgan J. Ingram, Brianna Doe, and Gaetano DiNardi as we give advice, critique mediocre posts, and show you how to elevate your content.

It's goin' down Wednesday 9/25 @ 9:00AM PST

👉🏻 Sign up here

Three months ago, I opened LinkedIn and saw that I was getting absolutely roasted.

It was bad.

Anthony Pierri was tearing Clari’s company's homepage to shreds on a webinar for all the world to see.

And he did NOT hold back.

Every flaw, every misstep—he called them all out.

It’s tough to watch.

But I didn’t get mad.

(But I did DM Anthony.)

Here’s how I responded.

And the ending might surprise you.

See it here.

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© 2024 The Reeder, LLC

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

The Reeder

Content tips & strategies for growing your career, brand, and business every Saturday morning.

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